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Army Innovation Day – call for submissions

The Defence Innovation Hub, in collaboration with the Australian Army, is seeking innovative Submissions from industry for a Special Notice relating to ‘Counter Robotic and Autonomous Systems for the Land Force’. Successful submissions will be exhibited at Army Innovation Day 2023 on 29030 August this year at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Defence is seeking innovative Counter Robotic and Autonomous Systems (C-RAS) that can detect, identify, target and counter RAS threats to protect the Land Force.

Submissions must be made through the Defence Innovation Hub portal available at:

Submissions close: 1400h (Canberra Local Time) Tuesday 18 April 2023.

Submissions are to be evaluated against set criteria as outlined in the Challenge Statement, Call for Submission Terms, and Evaluation Process and Criteria for AID23.

Details are also available on AUSTENDER,

– please search for HUB-23-AID-001.

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