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ASCA call for White Paper Proposals: Emerging and Disruptive Technologies (EDT)

Defence’s Advanced Strategic Capabilities Accelerator, ASCA, is seeking white paper proposals as part of the Emerging and Disruptive Technologies Program (AusTender RFP ATM ID: ASCA-EDT-EXPLOR-2023).

ASCA’s EDT program focuses on shaping and future-proofing the innovation ecosystem, through investment in long term R&D partnerships for the development of new technologies that may provide leap-ahead improvements to existing capabilities or new knowledge that helps identify opportunities for development of asymmetric capabilities for Defence.

EDT will both test basic ideas and concepts as well as investing in deeper long term partnerships for nurturing critical R&D capability shaped by Defence’s future requirements. The longer term partnerships will typically be 3-5 years in duration and $1-3 million.

White paper proposals are sought in the following areas:

  • Quantum Technologies: Quantum enabled technologies in precision sensing, enhanced computational capability and secure communications which have the potential to provide capability advantage for Defence.
  • Synthetic Media/Disinformation: Detecting and countering the effects of AI-powered technologies that blur the line of what’s real through convincing and mass-scale fake video, imagery, audio and text.

Proposals are to be submitted via AusTender by 9 February 2024.

Shortlisted white paper proposers will be invited to participate in co-design workshops in February/March 2024.

For further information go to Austender

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