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First National Quantum Strategy released

The Department of Industry Science and Resources has released Australia’s first-ever National Quantum Strategy.

The Strategy will help guide collaboration between researchers, industry partners, start-ups and the government into the future.

It identifies five priority areas to be pursued over the next seven years:

  • Investing in R&D and commercialisation
  • securing access to essential quantum infrastructure and materials
  • growing a skilled quantum workforce
  • standards and frameworks that support national interests
  • promoting a trusted, ethical, inclusive quantum ecosystem.

The Strategy is based on extensive consultation across industry, researchers and the community led by Australia’s Chief Scientist Dr Cathy Foley and with guidance from the Department’s National Quantum Advisory Committee and State and Territory governments.

Australia has been a global pioneer in cutting-edge quantum research for decades, said Minister for Industry Ed Husic in a statement; “I can’t emphasise this enough, quantum technologies will be truly transformative. In time, quantum computing will unleash incredible computing power that can phenomenally outperform traditional computing.

“We are already seeing how quantum sensing equipment is making a huge difference for industry.”

Australia needs to translate that advantage into thriving quantum industries that boost the country’s economic competitiveness and help solve its biggest national challenges, he says.

The launch of the Strategy backs in the Australian Government’s National Reconstruction Fund which will provide targeted investment of $1 billion for critical technologies such as quantum. If Australia gets it right, it’s estimated quantum industries could create 19,400 direct jobs, with $5.9 billion of revenue by 2045.

“By pairing a National Quantum Strategy with the National Reconstruction Fund we’re aiming to turn Australia into a global technology leader, building stronger industry and creating jobs for the future,” said Husic.

Quantum technology uses the study of the smallest building blocks in nature, subatomic particles, to help solve some of the biggest challenges facing Australia such as:

  • Cutting the time and cost of developing new medicines
  • Helping the transition to net zero with more efficient battery storage
  • Safeguarding cyber infrastructure

The National Quantum Strategy can be accessed at

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